Our Programs and Services
Our Sunday School time is an important part of our Sunday Morning Service. It's in the setting of warm and friendly classes that we interact, share joys and concerns, test our individual ideas, and encourage each other to grow. Our worship service is a time of celebration and praise, hearing God's Word and responding to his love for us.
Special services are held throughout the year. A variety of events such as church picnics, retreats, and holiday programs knit us together as a family.
Special services are held throughout the year. A variety of events such as church picnics, retreats, and holiday programs knit us together as a family.
Sunday School: Classes for all ages
Nursery for Infants
Elementary - downstairs nursery
Junior and Senior High - basement foyer classroom
Elementary - downstairs nursery
Junior and Senior High - basement foyer classroom
Women's Ministries
Reach Out - Women of all ages from the Stony Brook Community gather for fellowship, learning, and spirtiual renewal on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 9:30 AM.
Judy Heindel - 717-916-3054
Judy Heindel - 717-916-3054
March 12 | Indoor Plants - Speaker: Fran Stefan |
March 26 | What's the Buzz About Bees? - Speaker: Joyce Wilder |
April 9 | God At Work - Speaker: Fran Stefan |
April 23 | Introduction to Medicare Supplemental insurance and long term care - Speaker: Bill Parson |
WMSC - (Women's Missionary and Service Commission)provides for physical and emotional needs of local people and of needy people overseas via the relief agency of Mennonite Central Committee. The ladies meet to work on projects the first Tuesday of each month from 9AM - 3PM
Lois Newcomer - 755-8835
General Services
Sunday School:
9:00 am
Worship Service:
10:00 am